About a decade ago, prior to Dr. Stephanie DeMar’s arrival as principal at Loma Linda Elementary school, the educational institute was rife with problems. Students were skipping school regularly as truancy rates spiked. When students did come to school, threats and...
President Donald Trump’s recent executive order temporarily suspending refugee and visa immigration from certain Middle Eastern countries has forced a wealth of rhetoric on the subject to surface in the news. While most media outlets are embattled in arguments...
After 16 tireless weeks of practicing lines, rehearsing songs and perfecting costumes and choreography, Detour Company Theatre is prepared to put on its first show of 2017. On...
Detour Company Theatre is an Arizona-based performing arts group for disabled actors and actresses. Detour began in 2000 to give opportunities to adults with disabilities who wanted to be on stage. Detour was founded by a woman who was teaching theater at the Arizona...
Valley Leadership is one of Arizona’s top business development organizations. Its standout project is The Valley Leadership Institute that cultivates the development of emerging and current leaders. Lincoln Strategy Group proudly supports the work of Valley Leadership...
Giving young people the freedom and space to learn, grow, and have fun is paramount to the childhood experience. That’s why Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) is a crucial lifeline for kids in so many communities. Lincoln Strategy Group’s principal, Chuck...