Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is gaining a lot of attention today because it creates business value while promoting social change. Developing a CSR program may seem like a daunting task, but having a successful CSR program can both better the community and the...
One out of every 68 children in the United States lives with an autism-spectrum disorder. There is still much that doctors and scientists don’t understand about this condition, but thankfully for the individuals and the families it affects, there are myriad...
Throughout the month of April, buildings are lit up blue in order to raise awareness for the struggles faced by those on the autism spectrum. Altogether, that accounts for thirty days out of three hundred and sixty-five which are dedicated to promoting a cause that,...
In different walks of life, the debate continues eternally as to which is more important: quality or quantity. We’ve outlined in recent blog posts the fact that the quantity of philanthropy–both in a corporate and individual sense–is increasing over time. People are...
About a decade ago, prior to Dr. Stephanie DeMar’s arrival as principal at Loma Linda Elementary school, the educational institute was rife with problems. Students were skipping school regularly as truancy rates spiked. When students did come to school, threats and...