Charities We Love: Valley Leadership

Valley Leadership is one of Arizona’s top business development organizations. Its standout project is The Valley Leadership Institute that cultivates the development of emerging and current leaders. Lincoln Strategy Group proudly supports the work of Valley Leadership...

Why Corporate Social Responsibility Matters

In a world where we must do more than ever to make the world a better place, our driving force at Lincoln Strategy Group is to commit our company’s resources organization to being incredibly involved in the community. We believe that businesses must gracefully step up...

Charities We Love: The Boys and Girls Club of America

Giving young people the freedom and space to learn, grow, and have fun is paramount to the childhood experience. That’s why Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) is a crucial lifeline for kids in so many communities. Lincoln Strategy Group’s principal, Chuck...

Choosing the Right Charity

  Doing good feels great. Regardless of who you are, where you work or the size of your business, there is almost always a way to get involved with a cause or charity–whether it’s local or national. We have detailed the various ways you and your business...